Dear members of Narashino Church


✞Peace of the Lord be with you


 1. Today is the first Sunday of Lent. Last week on Ash Wednesday (3/2), we entered the 40 days of Lent with the

        universal Church.  Lent means going into” the wilderness" with Jesus. It is about making time with Jesus (reading His

        Word and praying) so that we can gain strength from Him and overcome the temptation to sin.


 2. The Management Committee meeting was held today at 12:00 p.m.  As of today's meeting, Mr. Mitsuyuki Hamano,

        Chairperson of the Management Committee, has resigned due to the expiration of his term. I would like to thank

         him for his service for three years, especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  I appreciate all his work.

      At the same time, the new Management Committee started under the chairmanship of Mr.Kiyoshi Sato. I ask for

         your prayers and support for the new chair and committee members who have taken on this task during this

        difficult time.


 3. It has been officially decided that the "priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease" will be extended

        again until the 21st of this month (Spring Equinox Day), so Narashino Parish will also refrain from activities until

        that day.

Mass will be held as follows.


(1) Sunday Mass will resume on March 27.

(2) For the 10:00 a.m. Mass, please attend according to Group A and Group B.


  (Group A is for the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month,

         Group B is for the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month)


I pray that the words of today's Gospel, "Man shall not live by bread alone," will be engraved in the heart of each of us, and that it will be a spiritual nourishment when we are depressed by the Corona pandemic.


March 6, 2022   First Sunday of Lent

Parish Priest, Joseph Dinh